My Motto

hehe I just have this lil' need for speed! Ohhh yeah!! Ever since I was li'l I've wanted to fly jets. My grandfather was a P-38 Test pilot during the war and I always loved hearing the stories. In elementry school I got into a Young Astronaust group and have wanted to be an astronaut ever since. Some of my friends really believe that I would make it into space, I'm glad at least they have the faith in me :) Anyway, I'm attending Rensselaer Polytechnic Institue in Troy, NY. I'm studyin' applied physics and astronomy. I think I plan on joining the Air Force after college so that I can fly jets. Well I think that's my carrer goals for right now.. hehe we'll soon find out now won't we ; )

Check out the list of things I want to do in my lifetime.